Learning objectives
The three-year Diploma course in Art and New Technologies is an interdisciplinary course aimed at the use of new technologies for media communication in the field of contemporary artistic research.
This course, designed in collaboration with the Conservatorio Musicale Niccolò Paganini within the project Politecnico delle Arti, develops an artistic, technical-operational perspective n the field of visual and sound research; from the use of cutting-edge art technologies to specific styles applied in the field of digital art, multimedia art, performative art, video and web design to musical acoustics and programming languages for audio processing.
Employment prospects
Through the know-how of new forms of expression, techniques and cutting-edge technologies for research on Art and New Technologies, graduates will be able to carry out professional activities in a number of different fields. They will be able to carry out their personal artistic experimentation in the field of technological, multimedia and audiovisual languages.
Graduates will have the opportunity to collaborate with museums, galleries, Art biennials, exhibitions spaces, theatres and in the multimedia, audiovisual and interactive installations. They will apply the principles of design of specific works with reference to new technologies: from design to the implementation of audiovisual works, from interactive systems to the multimedia theatre.
Digital Applications for Visual Arts
Theory and Methods of Mass Media
Theory of Perception and Psychology of the Figure
Digital Photography
Contemporary Art History
Phenomenology of Contemporary Arts
Digital Video
Acoustics (borrowed subject)
History and Theory of New Media
Digital Animation Techniques
Digital Cultures
Theory of Muldimedia Arts
Cultural Anthropology
Sound Design
Art Semiotics
Extramedial Techniques
Design Methodology
Editing Techniques
Creative Writing
New Media Aesthetics
Multimedia for Cultural Heritage
Practice and Culture of Show Business
Multimedia Installations
Performative Techniques for Visual Arts
Computer Technology Basics
Foreign Language – English