teacher Luca Daum


Learning objectives

The course of Graphic Arts aims to provide the artistic skills required by qualified professionals who, taking account of the diversity of the styles and technical innovations of contemporary art, can develop individual research and production in the field of Art Graphics and design as well as in the field of traditional techniques and in their development and experimentation in the context of contemporary and multimedia graphics, in the conservation and cataloguing of art prints.

Graduates will acquire a sound knowledge of techniques in the field of chalcography, xylography, serigraphy, photography, computer graphics and printing techniques, historical knowledge and methodologies of graphic processes and art print. They will possess the necessary critical and methodological tools to master the new forms of expression, techniques and state-of-the-art technologies. The course will include the study of a European Union language other than the mother tongue language, in the main field of expertise  and for the exchange of general information and assistance for  IT self-updating (consultants, texts, tests and access to IT laboratories), the use of digital tools and digital communication in the primary field of expertise.

Employment prospects

Graduates of the School will carry out professional activities in a number of different areas both as freelance artists or in the field of visual arts and creative activities, besides collaborating, for the various fields of application, in the planning, design and implementation of specific graphic works, both with traditional tools and new technologies, in addition to the new styles which may be encountered at national and international events.

Thanks to the current agreements with the city Museums, the “Museo di Storia Naturale”,”, “Borsa Arte Giovane” “GAI (Giovani Artisti Italiani network) , “Fondazione per la Cultura” (agreement for the study and image processing) and with private graphic studios, the “Accademia Ligustica di Belle Arti” will organise the most suitable work placements and internships in order to forge  specific professional skills, in addition to setting specific training goals to achieve for each course of study.



Artistic Anatomy I
Theory of Perception and Psychology of the Figure
Engraving Techniques –  Art Graphics I
Graphic and Drawing History I


Graphic and Drawing History II
Digital Applications for Visual Arts
Photography History
Cultural Marketing Basics
Computer Technology Basics
Modern Art History II
Digital Photography
Engraving Techniques –  Art Graphics II
Materials Technology
Special Graphic Techniques
Theory and Methods of Mass Media
Artistic Anatomy II
Creative Writing
Foreign Language – English


Contemporary Arts History II
Scientific Drawing
Engraving Techniques –  Art Graphics III
Phenomenology of Contemporary Arts
History and Methodology of Art Critic
Project Drawing
Editing Techniques
Museology and Display Systems Management
Multimedia Installations
Cultural Heritage and Environmental Assets
Computer Technology for the Graphics
Digital Modeling Techniques